序号 | 姓名 | 论文名称 | 期刊名称 | 类别 |
1 | 李龙伟 | Characterizing the spatial patterns of on- and off-year Moso bamboo forests with multisource data in Southeast China | Remote Sensing Applications: Society and | 一类 |
2 | 李伟涛 | Comprehensive validation and comparison of three VIIRS aerosol products over the ocean on a global scale | Remote Sensing | 一类 |
3 | 李伟涛 | Terrain skeleton construction and analysis in Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi | International Journal of Geo-Information | 一类 |
4 | 徐建辉 | Long-Term Trends and Spatiotemporal Variations in | Atmosphere | 一类 |
5 | 彭俊 | Retrieval Algorithm of Water Pollutant Concentration Based on UAV Remote Sensing Technology | Mobile Information Systems | 一类 |
6 | 彭俊 | Image Semantic Segmentation Method Based on Deep Learning in UAV Aerial Remote Sensing Image | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 一类 |
7 | 黄骁力 | INDMF Based Regularity Calculation Method and Its | Remote Sensing | 一类 |
8 | 李静 | Insights into Shallow Freshwater Lakes Hydrology in the Yangtze Floodplain from Stable Water Isotope Tracers | water | 一类 |
9 | 胡枫 | Effect of vertical overturning circulation scale and moist static energy | Atmospheric and oceanic science letters | 一类 |
10 | 刘欢 | Numerical Simulation of Deformation and Failure of Drainage Boat Pond Caused by Underground Coal Mining Induced Subsidence | Geofluids | 一类 |
11 | 杨灿灿 | Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Heterogeneity of Vegetation Phenology in the Yangtze River Delta | remote sensing | 一类 |
12 | 聂士海 | Retrieval of Soil Moisture Content Based on Multisatellite Dual-Frequency Combination Multipath Errors | Remote Sensing | 一类 |
13 | 陈西 | Water quality status response to multiple anthropogenic activities in urban river | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 一类 |
14 | 赵明伟 | A new method of feature line integration for construction of DEM in discontinuous topographic terrain | Environmental Earth Sciences | 一类 |
15 | 吴震 | Contrasting effects of different field-aged biochars on potential methane oxidation between acidic and saline paddy soils | Science of the Total Environment | 一类 |
16 | 李楠 | Characterizing the spatial patterns of on- and off-year Moso bamboo forests with multisource data in Southeast China | Remote Sensing Applications: Society and | 一类 |
17 | 李龙伟 | Low-Rank Non-Local Representation for Remote Sensing Scene Classification | Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters | 一类 |
18 | 曾微波 | A Comparison of Three Different Group Intelligence Algorithms for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification | Processes | 一类 |
19 | 王勇 | A Comparison of Three Different Group Intelligence Algorithms for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification | Processes | 一类 |
20 | 常泽光 | Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of the Late Triassic intrusions in the North China Craton: Case study on the Huata complex in the western Yanshan | Lithos | 一类 |
21 | 王春 | 顾及DEM误差空间自相关的地形变化检测方法 | 地球信息科学学报 | 一类 |
22 | 王春 | Monitoring and modeling sediment transport in space in small loess catchments using UAV-SfM photogrammetry | Catena | 一类 |
23 | 王春 | A fine construction method of urban road DEM considering road morphological characteristics | Scientific reports | 一类 |
24 | 王春 | Methods for the construction of DEMs of artificial slopes considering morphological features and semantic information | Journal of Mountain Science | 一类 |
25 | 曹炜 | Analysis of Nostalgia Emotional Experience,Rural Tourism Environmental Cognition and consumption willingness based on big data technology | Journal of enviromnent and public health | 一类 |
26 | 孙勇 | An Integrated Collaborative Filtering Framework With Location-Aware Graph Embedding in Intelligent Internet of Things Systems | IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems | 一类 |
27 | 孙勇 | Long-term matching optimization with federated neural temporal difference learning in mobility-on-demand systems | IEEE Internet of Things Journal | 一类 |
28 | 张靖琳 | Regime Shifts in the Hexi Oases over the Past Three Decades:The Case of the Linze Oasis in the Middle Reaches of the Heihe River | Sustainability | 一类 |
29 | 徐建辉 | Spatio-temporal dynamic evolution of carbon emission intensity and the | Journal of Cleaner Production | 一类 |
30 | 张伟 | Regime Shifts in the Hexi Oases over the Past Three Decades:The Case of the Linze Oasis in the Middle Reaches of the Heihe River | Sustainability | 一类 |
31 | 刘敬杰 | 农村土地利用变化及其模拟研究进展 | 江西农业学报 | 四类 |
32 | 吕俭 | 安徽旅游产业与新型城镇化耦合协调时空演化及影响因素研究 | 西南林业大学学报(社会科学版) | 三类 |
33 | 吕俭 | 安徽省旅游发展非均衡性与空间协同研究 | 旅游研究 | 三类 |
34 | 曾微波 | 基于GIS协同的测绘协作生产系统研究 | 黑龙江工程学院学报 | 三类 |
35 | 刘敬杰 | 基于农户空间重构和功能整合意愿的村域尺度居民点布局优化 | 江西农业学报 | 三类 |
36 | 谷双喜 | 基于地名的自然村聚落空间分布特征研究 | 长春师范大学学报 | 三类 |
37 | 王钦安 | 安徽省红色旅游网络关注度时空分布研究 | 资源开发与市场 | 三类 |
38 | 彭俊 | 基于土地利用变化的巢湖流域生态风险分析 | 洛阳理工学院学报(自然科学版) | 三类 |
39 | 彭俊 | 1950-2014年黄河流域输沙量变化特征及下游河道冲淤响应 | 1066vip威尼斯官网学报 | 三类 |
40 | 彭俊 | 洞庭湖流域径流变化过程及其对ENSO和东亚季风的响应 | 哈尔滨师范大学自然科学学报 | 三类 |
41 | 赵明伟 | 基于 GIS 的全国三甲医院空间分布及其可达性研究 | 西安文理学院学报(自然科学版) | 三类 |
42 | 曹炜 | 乡村旅游推动乡村振兴的耦合机理研究 | 呼伦贝尔学院学报 | 三类 |
43 | 吴俏 | 旅游舆情事件中网民情感状态分析———以 “爱彼迎偷窥”事件为例 | 云南地理环境研究 | 三类 |
44 | 吴俏 | 视觉表征下丽江旅游意象对比...中西方游客拍摄照片差异分析 | 南宁师范大学自然科学版本 | 三类 |
45 | 邓岳川 | 林区环境因素与CORS测量精度的相关性分析 | 黑龙江工程学院学报 | 三类 |
46 | 李楠 | 基于遥感的内陆水体叶绿素a监测研究 | 赤峰学院学报 | 三类 |
47 | 吴震 | 不同土地利用转变和利用方式对土壤团聚体稳定性的影响 | 安徽科技学院学报 | 三类 |
48 | 王钦安 | 安徽省乡村旅游地空间格局与优化提升研究 | 南宁师范大学(自然科学版) | 三类 |
49 | 王钦安 | 基于凝视理论的皖南国际文化旅游示范区投射—感知形象对比分析 | 三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版) | 三类 |
50 | 彭建 | 南京都市圈各区县乡村旅游发展潜力评价及其空间分异特征 | 安徽农业大学学报(社会科学版) | 三类 |
51 | 赵明伟 | 基于GIS技术的定远县水库的空间分布特征研究 | 山西师范大学学报(自然科学版) | 三类 |
52 | 王延霞 | 相位解缠算法对比研究 | 黑龙江工程学院学报 | 三类 |
53 | 杨灿灿 | 浙皖陕滇四省传统村落空间分布特征及影响因素 | 经济地理 | 二类 |
54 | 徐燕 | Methods for the construction of DEMs of artificial slopes considering morphological features and semantic information | Journal of Mountain Science | 二类 |
55 | 邓标 | 电离层高阶项延迟对GPS载波相位观测值及基线的影响 | 大地测量与地球动力学 | 二类 |
56 | 曾微波 | 安徽省各市区、县域高铁可达性及其与经济潜力协调发展 | 经济地理 | 二类 |
57 | 李静 | 水汽来源和环境因子对典型亚热带季风区降水稳定同位素的影响—以湖口地区为例 | 地理科学 | 二类 |
58 | 王靖 | 基于UAV点云并顾及形态特征的城市道路DEM构建方法 | 地理与地理信息科学 | 二类 |
59 | 王春 | 像控后处理倾斜摄影三维建模方法研究 | 南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版) | 二类 |
60 | 晋秀龙 | 旅游干扰对植物多样性的影响研究进展 | 生态科学 | 二类 |
61 | 李建梅 | 安徽省各市区、县域高铁可达性及其与经济潜力协调发展 | 经济地理 | 二类 |