序号 | 姓名 | 论文名称 | 期刊名称 | 类别 |
1 | 赵明伟 | Peak extraction and classification from digital elevation models based on the relationship between morphological characteristics and spatial position | Journal of Mountain Science | 一类 |
2 | 张亚丽 | A new strategy for improving the accuracy of forest aboveground biomass estimates in an alpine region based on multi-source remote sensing | GIScience & Remote Sensing | 一类 |
3 | 赵明伟 | Method for the Construction of Urban Road Digital Elevation Models Integrated with Semantic Information | Applied sciences | 一类 |
4 | 杨果果 | Formation mechanism of disc-shaped calcite— | RSC advances | 一类 |
5 | 杨灿灿 | An Operational Framework for Reconstructing Lane-Level Road Maps Using Open Access Data | IEEE JSTARS | 一类 |
6 | 杨灿灿 | 皖西大别山传统村落时空演变特征研究 | 地域研究与开发 | 二类 |
7 | 肖靓 | Silicon fertilization enhances the resistance of tobacco plants to combined Cd and Pb contamination: Physiological and microbial mechanisms | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety | 一类 |
8 | 吴震 | Biochar single application and reapplication decreased soil greenhouse gas and nitrogen oxide emissions from rice–wheat rotation: A three-year feld observation | Geoderma | 一类 |
9 | 王春 | Dynamic simulation of land use and land cover and its effect on carbon storage in the Nanjing metropolitan circle under different development scenarios | Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 一类 |
10 | 王春 | 基于多尺度高程变异系数的影像匹配点云滤波方法 | 地理与地理信息科学 | 二类 |
11 | 王春 | 基于控制点蒙特卡罗检验的无人机地形建模精度影响因素研究 | 自然资源遥感 | 二类 |
12 | 王春 | Construction of high precision DEMs for urban plots | Annals of GIS | |
13 | 屠菊青 | Dominance patterns specified by the ideal gas equation: Example of examining simultaneous multivariate relation with scale analysis approach | Atmosphere | 一类 |
14 | 陶基磊 | 滁州市旅游产业竞争力提升策略研究 | 云南地理环境研究 | 三类 |
15 | 彭建 | 近40年安徽省生境质量时空变化特征 | 黑龙江工程学院学报 | 三类 |
16 | 聂士海 | 结合机器学习的GNSS-IR多卫星双频组合土壤湿度反演 | 测绘通报 | 二类 |
17 | 罗明杰 | Characteristics of the Sediment Transport Process in Vegetation Hillslopes under Different Flow Rates | Water | 一类 |
18 | 罗明杰 | A trapping capacity constraint model for sediment transport in vegetative filter strips ( VFS ) on sloping surfaces | Hydrological Processes | 一类 |
19 | 卢洁 | 基于空地一体多源数据融合构建高精度古建筑模型 | 1066vip威尼斯官网学报 | 三类 |
20 | 刘敬杰 | Influencing Factors Analysis and Optimization of Land Use | Sustainability | 一类 |
21 | 刘敬杰 | 基于土地功能和发展水平的乡村类型识别与发展路径 | 四类 | |
22 | 刘敬杰 | 县域旅游集散地人地关系演变及影响因素分析——以黄山市休宁县为例 | 柳州职业技术学院学报 | 四类 |
23 | 刘敬杰 | 基于“三生”空间的天长市土地利用时空格局及驱动因素分析 | 黑龙江工程学院学报 | 三类 |
24 | 刘敬杰 | 市郊乡村农户情感嬗变及空间中情感意义的叠写一一以来安县水西村为例 | 太原理工大学学报(社会科学版) | 三类 |
25 | 刘欢 | Three-dimensional Modeling of Fault Geological Structure Using Generalized Triangular Prism Element Reconstruction | Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment | 一类 |
26 | 梁磊 | 基于斯托克斯边值问题的数据观测精度对构建超高阶重力场模型的影响 | 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版) | 一类 |
27 | 李楠 | Spatial and Temporal Dynamic Changes and Influencing Factors of Ecological Environmental Quality in Chaohu Lake Basin Based on GEE | Polish Journal of Environmental Studies | 一类 |
28 | 李楠 | 基于土地利用的杭州湾滨海湿地景观生态风险评价 | 杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版) | 三类 |
29 | 李楠 | 基于Google Earth Engine的巢湖流域生态环境质量时空动态变化及影响因素分析 | 测绘通报 | 二类 |
30 | 李龙伟 | New landscape-perspective exploration of Moso bamboo forests under on/off-year phenomena and human activities | Frontiers in Forests and Global Change | 一类 |
31 | 黄丹妮 | Variability of Glacier Velocity and the Influencing Factors in the Muztag-Kongur Mountains, Eastern Pamir Plateau | Remote Sensing | 一类 |
32 | 陈西 | 基于土地利用方式的巢湖流域氮排放情景模拟 | 湖泊科学 | 一类 |
33 | 曾微波 | A Moving Target Tracking | IEEE Access | 一类 |
34 | AmirReza | De-noised and contrast enhanced KH-9 HEXAGON mapping and panoramic | Science of Remote Sensing |